The Scoop on Black Soldier Fly Larvae and Other Pet Insect Snacks

Do we ever love our pets — spoiling them rotten is a near-hobby. And let me tell you, we’re always on the hunt for the latest and greatest in pet nutrition. Meet the Black soldier fly larvae. Yes, these little critters are buzzing through the pet food aisle. But how do they stack up compared with the other insect foodstuffs we’re already flinging into Spike’s bowl? Visit us to know more information!

You know, back in the day, choosing pet food meant grabbing a can and plucking it off the shelf. Now, people have a taste for bugs as a alternative. First it was crickets — good ol’ chirpy crickets. They are sustainable, and as for the nutritional value? It is second to none! Crickets are high in protein and have consequently found a little niche among pet owners who lean toward more natural and eco-friendly options.

Then came the mealworms, scuttling around, waving their little legs. They are high in protein, high in fat-a very palatable treat for the bug-eating critters. Even so, some pets may demonstrate their disdain by only sniffing the mealworms, searching specifically for the best of the best.

Back to our star—the black soldier fly larvae. These insect larvae are literally the Swiss army knife of the insect world.

Hyper versatile, they are packed with calcium and balanced omega oils. In addition to protein — which is what we want to hear these bugs are providing for little Fido’s bones — that means … All paws applaud! On the bright side, an upside for the larvae is that they are hypoallergenic; thus they are a safe bet for furry-faces with sensitive skin or sensitive tummies.

While nutritious, Black soldier fly larvae elicit adverse reactions from some pet owners. Yes, the mental squirm exceeds the nutritional wiggle. But don’t forget how cheap they are: They need nothing but organic waste to survive, so talk about resource-friendly!

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